The Organizing Committee of Chemistry Conferences is inviting you to attend Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 in April 13 - 14 at Prague, Czech Republic. The topic of the current year's gathering is "Evaluating Current Trends and Advances in Polymer Chemistry & Biopolymers" which will give a worldwide stage to talk of present and future of Polymer Chemistry and research.

Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 is designed for professionals at all levels and career segments of the polymer chemistry research, biopolymer chemistry study, and plastics industry, who want to improve their understanding of what will drive and shape the future of the market of polymers. Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 offers a wonderful opportunity for all the scientists, academicians, lab experts, industry people and young researchers to meet at one place to share and gain knowledge through oral and poster presentations in the field of Polymer Chemistry, Biopolymers, Bio plastics, Polymer engineering, Biomaterials, Biotechnology and Bio Nanomaterials.
Polymer Chemistry Conferences

Theme: Evaluating Current Trends and Advances in Polymer Chemistry & Biopolymers
Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020
- About Conference
- Why to attend?
- Benefits to Attend!
- Who can attend?
- Sessions and Tracks
- Best Poster Award & Young Researcher Award
- About Venue
- Market Analysis
About Conference
The Organizing Committee of Chemistry Conferences is inviting you to attend Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 in April 13 - 14 at Prague, Czech Republic. The topic of the current year's gathering is "Evaluating Current Trends and Advances in Polymer Chemistry & Biopolymers" which will give a worldwide stage to talk of present and future of Polymer Chemistry and research.
Meet leading Polymer Chemists, Material Science Scientists, organic/synthetic polymer chemists, analytical chemists, Polymer Science Experts, Chemistry Experts, Chemical Engineers, Green Chemistry Experts, and Environmentalists, at Polymer Chemistry Conferences Europe, held during April 13-14,2020 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 is an international event, attracting global participant’s intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of Polymer Chemistry, Biopolymers and latest developments.
The aim of this event is to promote quality research and real-world impact in an atmosphere of true international association between scientists and engineers by bringing together again the world class researchers, International Communities and Industrial heads to deliberate the latest developments and innovations in the fields of Polymer Chemistry & Biopolymers.
Why to Attend?
Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 is designed for professionals at all levels and career segments of the polymer chemistry research, biopolymer chemistry study, and plastics industry, who want to improve their understanding of what will drive and shape the future of the market of polymers. Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 offers a wonderful opportunity for all the scientists, academicians, lab experts, industry people and young researchers to meet at one place to share and gain knowledge through oral and poster presentations in the field of Polymer Chemistry, Biopolymers, Bio plastics, Polymer engineering, Biomaterials, Biotechnology and Bio Nanomaterials.
• Meet worldwide Experts
• Networking Opportunities
• Greater Focus
• Learn skills and stay up to date
• Position yourself as an expert
• New Tips & Tactics
• Learn beyond your field or interest
Benefits to attend Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020
- Keynote presentations along with interactions to galvanize the scientific community.
- Workshop and symposiums to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Polymer and Chemistry community.
- A wide track of exhibitors to showcase the new and emerging technologies.
- Platform to global investment community to connect with stakeholders in Polymers, Plastics and Chemistry sector.
- Young Scientist/ Investigators Award geared towards best budding young research.
- Links to the political marketing resources to expand your business and research network.
- Triumph of Awards, Certificates recognizes your commitment to your profession to encourage the nascent research.
The conference will emphasize industrial applications and novel developments of synthetic biopolymers and advances in polymer chemistry. This single session conference that brings together organic/synthetic polymer chemists, analytical chemists, chemical engineers and material scientists from a variety of sectors that are involved in using and developing methods for polymer characterization and biopolymers. It is a great networking opportunity: renew old friendships, establish new contacts, and exchange ideas with your colleagues and peers!
Euro Medicinal Chemistry 2019 Benefits:
Open board exchanges: Providing an open gathering with specialists from the scholarly world and business to talk about on current difficulties in Polymer Chemistry and Biopolymers, where all participants can collaborate with the board took after by a Q&A session.
Speaker and notice introductions: Providing a stage to all academicians and industry experts to share their exploration contemplations and discoveries through a discourse or a publication introduction.
Round table gatherings: Providing a stage where industry experts meet scholastic specialists.
Business and Exhibitor Benefits:
Over 50+ organizations and international pavilions will be exhibiting at the Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020. Exhibitors will include equipment manufacturers and suppliers, systems providers, finance and investment firms, R&D companies, project developers, trade associations, and government agencies.
In addition to the products and services you will have access to valuable content, including Keynote Presentations, Product Demonstrations and Educational Sessions from industry leaders.
The Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 has everything you need, all under one roof, saving you both time and money. It is the event you cannot afford to miss!
Who will attend?
Euro Polymer Chemistry 2020 is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting-edge ideas.
The purpose of the conference is to encourage scientists working in polymer and advanced chemistry to present their investigations dedicated to problems and discoveries in above mentioned fields.
The program will consist of oral presentations of invited as well as contributed lectures. The conference has the objective to provide a forum for researchers, students and companies from all over the world to exchange up-to-date ideas and opinions on current research and new applications of polymer chemistry and biopolymers.
Target Audience:
- Polymer Chemistry Scientists and Researchers
- Directors, CEO’s of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Organizations
- Scholars from Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Science, Plastic research, and interrelated fields.
- PhD Scholars
- Polymer Technology Manufacturers
- Business Development Managers
- Distributors and Suppliers of Polymer Synthesizing Technologies
- Professors, Researchers, and Faculty of Polymer Chemistry & Polymer Science from Universities and Colleges
- Researchers from Plastic Manufacturing Companies, Polymer Companies, Synthetic Manufacturers, Resins & plastics, Textile manufacturing industries, Adhesives & Paints Suppliers & Chemical Associations and Societies
- Chemical professionals
- Polymer Chemists, Polymer Scientists, & Chemists
- All plastic & textile manufacturers and providers
- Quality control specialists
- Graduates and postgraduates in industrial plastic manufacturing
- Environmentalists working on plastic reduction research
Delegates from all fields who are interested in the listening the proceedings of the conference as well as looking to explore the venue.
Sessions and Tracks
Track 01: Polymer Synthesis:
- Polymer Synthesis and Reactions
- Recent Developments In Polymer Synthesis
- Polymer Design and Reaction
- Stereochemistry of Polymers
- Polymer Physics and Characterization
- Chemistry of Industrial Polymers
Track 02: Polymer Engineering:
- Applied Polymer Science & Polymeric Materials
- Advances in Macromolecular Science and Engineering
- Plastic Engineering, Plastics-Materials and Processing Technology
- Smart Materials
- Polymer Nanocomposite
- Functional Polymers
Track 03: Polymer Technology:
- Bio-catalysis in Polymer Chemistry
- Electrochemical Engineering
- Conjugated Microporous polymer
- Next Generation Bioelectronics
- Optoelectronic Polymers
- Polymer Rheology
- Polymer Nanostructures
- Nanopolymers and Nanotechnology
- Nanoporous Materaials and their Applications
- Nanomaterials
- Polymer Nanocomposites
- Techniques of Polymerization
- Polymer Rheology and Polymer Morphology
- Recent Advances in Polymer Science
- Addition Polymerization or Chain-Growth Polymerization
- Polymer Technology
- Inorganic Polymer Synthesis
- Free-radical Polymerization
- Ionic Polymerization
- Polycondensation
- Polyaddition
- Coordination Polymerization
- Biopolymer Synthesis
- Protein Biosynthesis
- Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
- DNA Synthesis
- Blow Molding, Thermoforming and Rotomoulding
- Extrusion and extrusion processes
- Fiber, Films, and Membranes
- Injection Moulding
- Mixing and Compounding
- Morphology and Structural Development
- Cross Linked Polymers
- Polymers for Stem Cell
- Polymers in Medicines
- Biomedical Polymers and Nanomedicines
- Polymers for Tissue Engineering
- Biopolymers in Biofibres & Microbial Cellulose
- Hydrogels used in Biomedical Applications
- Hydrogels used in Drug Delivery
- Materials for Health-care
- Biopolymers in Biomedical Applications
- Biopolymers as Materials
- Future and Scope of Biopolymers
- Production and Commercialization of Biopolymers
- Commercial application of Biopolymers
- Biodegradable Polymers & Biocomposite Materials
- Polyhydroxy Alkanoates
- Green Chemicals: Biopolymers and Polymer Chemistry
- Bioplastics
- Bioplastics from natural polymers, directly extracted from biomass: Polysaccharides, Proteins, Bacterial polymers
- Thermoplastic and thermosetting bioplastics, indirectly produced from biomass: Poly(lactic acid) and Bio-polyesters, Glyceride based materials from vegetable oils, Materials based on polyols extracted from biomass
- Bioproduction, biotech & biodegradability: Biocatalysis and biotechnological production, Enzymatic production and modification, Biodegradation, eco-toxicity, LCA
- Industrial applications: Bio-based and/or biodegradable packaging, Bio-based building materials
- Multiphase systems: Bio-based blends, Biocomposites and nano-biocomposites
- Eco-friendly polymers and recycling
- Biopolymers
- Polymers for renewable energy
- Electroactive Polymers
- Multi-techniques of materials characterization
- Progress in Polymer Physics
- Frontiers in Green Materials and Technology
- Polymers for Optics, Optoelectronics and Energy Conversion
- Advances in Polymer and Hybrid Material Technology
- Hybrid Materials
- Polymer Informatics
- Polymer Electronics
- Structures and Physical Properties of Polymers
- Polymer Processing
- High Performance Polymers
- Natural and Synthetic Elastomers
- Polymeric Gels and Soft Matter
- Processing, Theology and Mechanical Properties
- Polymer Colloids
- Polymer Interfaces
- Bio-Related Polymers
- Microplastics
- Renewable resources and bio based polymers
- Polymer Composites
- Polymer Materials
- Polymer 3D Printing
- Supramolecular Polymers
- Supramolecular Chemistry and Complex Macromolecular Science
- Frontiers in Complex Macromolecular Systems
- Polymer blends and alloys
- Polymer foams
- Process modeling and simulations
- Process Monitoring, Control and Sensors
- Reactive processing
- Reactive processing
- Rheology and Rheometry
- Rubber and Elastomers
- Polymers in all-solid-state batteries
- Zeolites, metal-organic and porous polymers
- Preparation and chemical design of networks and gels: controlled polymerization methods, organic and organic-inorganic networks and gels, micro- and nanocomposites, biopolymer gels, synthesis of hybrid systems with biopolymer motifs, physical gels, reacti
- Gelation, network formation, and properties: structure changes during gelation and network formation; static and dynamic properties, swelling equilibrium and dynamics, gel state of matter: from liquids to solids on time/temperature scales; simulation and
- Polymer networks and gels at work/service: gels in life sciences, controlled drug release and targeting, responsive gels in biomedical and diagnostic applications, gel constructs, contact lenses and eye devices, networks and gels from renewable resources,
- Evaluating current environmental projects and regulations within The biopolymer industry
- Assessing the feedstock’s landscape for the biopolymers’ production
- Focusing on biopolymers in the circular economy
- Elaborating on the application of biopolymers from peoples’ and planet’s perspective
- Introducing new technologies in processing new bio-based materials
- Brand owners perspective on the use and application of biopolymers
- Focusing on the basic understanding of biodegradability
- Assessing the biobased new content
- Analysing the impact of biobased plastics on the CO2 reduction
- Changing consumer preference towards eco-friendly packaging
- Assessing the end-of-life of materials, through the life cycle assessment
Track 19: Advances in Polymer Synthesis & Polymer Chemistry:
- Advanced complex processing
- High performance composite processing
- Advanced polymer characterization
- Polymer Blends
- Polymers and Microfluidics
- Functional Polymer and its Applications
- Valorization of agro-residues and wastes for synthesis of monomers and chemicals
- Latex chemistry and technology
- Materials for clean and sustainable energy
Track 20: Recent Developments in Polymer Synthesis:
- Polymers for emerging technologies
- Polymerization Catalysis
- Future Market of Polymers
- Polymers in holography
- Organic polymers used in water purification
- Polymers in aircraft, aerospace, and sports equipment
- Polymers in operation of bulletproof vests and fire-resistant jackets
Track 21: Current Trends in Polymer Chemistry:
- Novel and synthetic polymerization methods
- Renewable polymer synthesis
- Advanced characterization of polymers
- Macromolecular structure and function
- Synthesis and application of novel polymers
- Reactions and chemistry of polymers
- Polymerization mechanisms and kinetics
- Higher-order polymer structures
- Structure-property relationships of polymers
The Best Poster Awards and Young Research Award are part of a global initiative to support early career researchers, with the intention of supporting students & young researchers in their quest to advance the frontiers of science & technology across-the-board range of disciplines. These Awards are instituted to recognize and reward young minds with outstanding track record, a deep commitment to find innovative solutions and potential for high quality research.
To to grab this oppurtunity, submit your abstract now: https://polymerchemistry.chemistryconferences.org/abstract-submission.php
Prague is the largest capital city in the Czech Republic. Prague is viewed one of the most historical place in the Eastern Europe and historical capital of Bohemia situated near to North West of Vltava river. while urban zone area is expected to 2.2 million people. Prague is said to be a political, cultural and economic center with a rich history. Prague is traditionally one of the cultural centers of Europe, hosting many cultural events. The city played major roles in the Bohemian and Protestant Reformation.
Prague mission is to stand-in the development of each domestic and international business enterprise in Czech. Prague is one of the best tourism enriched culture city .it has many world famous attractions like Prague castle which is symbol of heritage and culture of city and many famous places like oldest bridge called as Charles bridge old town hall with astronomical clock and other historical places like Jewish museum and church of our lady and most important towers of Prague and recreation places like Kampa park ,municipal house , rasanova nabrezi embankment, and one of the modern monument dancing house .Prague climate is very cold climate at winters and little summer season.
Prague is well known for its Christmas celebrations and it also have many brewing industries. Prague occupy 25% GDP rate making it the highest performing regional economy of the country. Prague holds many multinational and international companies. Prague has around 12 universities and the city of Prague is hub for research. It is the educational hub and holds around 39 out of 54 institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, including the major ones, the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Microbiology and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Czech Republic grips finest position in abroad for unifying educational trips, workshops, and presentations.
Prague is a destination that is forever fashionable. It’s been on the traveler map for a protracted time, and the crowds show no signs of subsiding. Town holds a special place in my heart not simply because it absolutely was the primary international city with however additionally because of its fairy-tale landscapes, romantic streets, charming suites and aesthete architectures.
Prague Currency is called koruna. It accepts Euros also. The approximate value of 100 CZK is 4 EUR/5 USD you can exchange in local markets.
Prague city is known to be the food pivots in Europe. Many beer and wine industries are greater worth in global market.
Prague in April
There are loads of things to do here including climbing or riding the funicular to the top for the panoramic views and climbing to the top of the PetÅ™ín Tower for even better views. For a more relaxed day out, you can also admire the statue of the great Czech romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha, explore the observatory and wander through the rose garden. Families with children will have great fun in the Mirror Maze and pony rides which take place daily throughout April. Art lovers won't want to miss the chance to see the Troja Chateau during their holiday in Prague. Located in an outer suburb in the north of the city, this luxury baroque palace is surrounded by gardens and vineyards which are overflowing with exotic plant life that will be beginning to bloom in April.
Prague flourishes in spring. This begins in the second half of March when temperatures rise above freezing, the snow starts to melt, and the first flowers appear. At the beginning of March, temperatures can still sometimes drop a bit below freezing. April in the Czech Republic is quite unpredictable and can change from sunny to snowy in a matter of minutes. It can also get windy and temperatures can vary quite a bit. Main events in spring include St. Patrick’s Day in March, the Easter Markets in April.
Polymers are basically heavy molecules that are made with a combination of simple units of molecules called monomers. The properties of these compounds depend upon their bonds as well as the length of the chain. They are both natural and synthetic in nature. The natural ones are made of natural substances like rubber, resins, and gums, whereas the synthetic ones are manufactured by polymerization of several monomers. In this report, the polymer market is segmented based on type, product, application, and region.
The global plastics market size was valued at USD 522.66 billion in 2017. It is poised to expand at a CAGR of 4.0% during the forecast period. Increasing plastic consumption in the construction, automotive and electrical & electronics industries is projected to support market growth over the forecast period. Regulations to decrease gross vehicle weight to improve fuel efficiency and eventually reduce carbon emissions have promoted the use of plastics as a substitute to metals, including aluminum and steel, for manufacturing of automotive components.
The growth of the construction industry in emerging markets such as Brazil, China, India, and Mexico have been instrumental in fueling the demand for plastics during 2015 and 2016. The growth of the market can be attributed to increased foreign investment in these domestic construction markets, as a result of easing FDI norms and requirements for better public and industrial infrastructure.
The growth of the construction industry in emerging markets such as Brazil, China, India, and Mexico have been instrumental in fueling the demand for plastics during 2015 and 2016. The growth of the market can be attributed to increased foreign investment in these domestic construction markets, as a result of easing FDI norms and requirements for better public and industrial infrastructure.
Growing population coupled with rapid urbanization and industrialization in emerging economies has been impelling federal governments to increase their construction spending to cater to increasing infrastructure needs. Rising construction spending by governments, particularly in China and India, will drive the demand for plastics in infrastructure and construction applications.
Stringent regulations regarding depletion and recyclability of conventional materials such as metal and wood are anticipated to drive greater plastics demand from construction industries in insulation, pipes, cables, floorings, windows, storage tanks, and others. Polymer fittings are also generally quite simple and easy to install, compared to metals or wood, with a wide range of color combinations, adding to their aesthetic appeal.
Conference Highlights
- Polymer Synthesis
- Polymer Engineering
- Polymer Technology
- Polymer Nanotechnology
- Polymerization Techniques
- Polymer Synthesizing Techniques
- Polymer Production Methods
- Polymers in Medicine
- Biomaterials and Biopolymers
- Biobased and Biodegradable polymers
- Sustainable and Eco-friendly polymers
- Polymer Physics and Opto-electronic Polymers
- Materials science and Polymer colloids
- Functional Polymers
- Supramolecular Polymers and 3D Printing
- Advanced Materials in Polymers
- Macromolecules, Polymer Networks and Gels
- Plastics, Biopolymers and their Environmental Impact
- Advances in Polymer Synthesis & Polymer Chemistry
- Novel Developments in Polymer Synthesis
- Current Trends in Polymer Chemistry
To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date | April 13-14, 2020 | ||
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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering Open Access
- Biopolymers Research Open Access
- Chemical Sciences Journal Open Access
Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by